Studio Duffau & Associés is a dynamic core of people from different creative backgrounds provide the energy for this French studio. The common ground is the full awareness that a project or a design means research and culture. The studio founded Ultra Ordinaire, a design group based in Toulouse; its protagonists are architects, designers, students,
economists and experts in technology. Ultra Ordinaire is a melting-pot of ideas, an experimental dimension that groups the worlds of design and business and takes risks with new production methods, design and life-styles.
(Salone del Mobile 2013)
The project by Ultra Ordinaire for BLA BLA, at the Cattedrale della Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan
Play communs is a colorful army of 31
robots designed by children and
developed by Ultra Ordinaire; each piece
expresses a different personality and
presents solutions that lie outside the
box. They produce a story, where the
individual objects take-on the role of
characters in a play or a contemporary
epic drama oriented to a possible
future. Play communs est une armée
composée de 31 robots colorés conçus
par les enfants et développés par
Ultra Ordinaire exprimant diverses
personnalités et solutions en dehors
des schémas habituels. Ensemble ils
composent un récit, où chaque...
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